CBD Oils: Mindblowing Healthcare Trend

CBD Oils: Mindblowing Healthcare Trend

CBD Oils: Mindblowing Healthcare Trend

So what’s all this about CBD? It seems to be everywhere from grocery stores to doctors’ offices.

CBD stands for cannabidiol and it is part of the exploding cannabis oil industry. A natural botanical extracted from the common hemp plant, it is one of 85 cannabinoids identified that interact with our body’s naturally occuring systems. It one of the most potent cannabinoids and is not psychotropic–in other words, it doesn’t cause a “high.” So, it is generally considered safer and less controversial than medical marijuana (a member of the same plant family).

CBD interacts with the body’s general state of balance which impacts mood, sleep, appetite, hormone regulation, pain, and immune response and can offer significant health benefits.

Is CBD for me?

To begin with, it is safe, non toxic, and legal. It has no adverse effect on blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, or glucose levels. And it appears that there is a wealth of conditions that CBD can be used to treat.

There are a number of medical studies that are exploring CBD and its effect on anxiety (including PTSD), epilepsy, pain, and inflammation. In addition, CBD may suppress growth in cancer cells and even cause cancer cells to die. The impact of CBD on certain mental health disorders like schizophrenia and OCD are also being studied. Some promising studies are looking at CBD and treating alcohol and opioid addiction. CBD and it role in treating imbalance is being studied in diverse conditions from acne to Alzheimer’s. Mind blown.

So what about CBD oil and massage therapy? CBD oil has been considered a more natural way
to relieve pain and stiffness including chronic pain. It can be taken by mouth or used topically. Here’s where massage comes in. Massage oil can be infused with CBD extract to impact pain and inflammation.

So we are joining the devotees/researchers of CBD here at Sanctuary on 2nd and will be using a massage balm with professional grade CBD, analgesics, and skin moisturizers to provide focused pain relief when indicated by our client’s needs. We will be sure to share the reactions (and perhaps yours will be one) as we utilize this promising new product.

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