Our Philosophy
We recognize how busy life can be and realize the time and resources necessary to make room for massage. It is our philosophy and commitment that we will do all we can to make your experience positive Every Massage for Every Person and Every Time with Every Therapist you work with.
Every Massage
All of our massages are customized to your needs. We use a variety of styles from Swedish to Acupressure to Deep Tissue to create an integrated massage that addresses your therapeutic goals for the session. We maintain an unhurried schedule so that we can check in with you before the session to make sure our focus reflects your needs and wishes.
We welcome and value whatever contributions you, your body’s expert, have to the flow of the session. Your comfort and your positive experience are our highest priority. Our sessions last as long as described and we will not rush you out (especially after we both worked so hard to get you relaxed).
Every Person

Every Time
Every Therapist